Serien Guide
Out of my Mind  -  Episode 5/4
Buffy has to stand by her man this week when the physical after effects of Riley's time with the Initiative take their toll. He may look like a nice, down-home boy, but we all know Riley's been the government's underground demon hunting group's lab rat since his freshman year. Of course, since he possesses a "Y" chromosome, Riley refuses help and goes into hiding -- heart beating a mile a minute, no doubt. Unfortunately for the Slayer, she is forced to turn to the "Big Bad" to battle back her beau. Yes, Spike will be called upon to lend a hand. But the impotent vamp doesn't call himself the Big Bad for nothin'. He takes advantage of the situation with his own plot to rid himself of his annoying brain chip, which would rid himself of Buffy, once and for all. Of course, the crafty doctor removes a brain penny, which keeps ol' Spike gentle as a little lamb. But the guy can still dream can't he? Oh and that kissing dream with Buffy--what could that mean in the deep dark vamp psyche? Written by Rebecca Rand Kirshner Directed by David Grossman
 - Tradingcards Session 5

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